It's almost finally here...BASS opener!!! I am so excited I think I'll.....well what I was gonna say isn't so nice so I'll just say....hurry bed time cuz when I wake up we're going out on the boat all morning...
It's been a pretty torturous few weeks for B, P, and myself....we have all been so impatiently waiting for tomorrow that we nearly couldn't contain the legal fishing's been like seeing that nice big slice of chocolate cake covered in glistening frosting screaming my name...only I must pull myself away.
P and I got ourselves some pretty nice fishing nice in fact that they are in our bedroom where if anyone dares to touch them we will be on them like stink on doody! We also invested in some braided line so we won't lose any fish in the lily pads...oh, and I had a sweet little reel that I had to return yesterday =( . I was pretty upset about that because it was really nice except for one thing...I went through a whole spool of very expensive braided line due to tangling issues....and I know it was the reel because 1) we re-spooled it three times 2) P and B aren't having any of those issues with the same line on their reels and 3) I have a different reel now and haven't had a single incident.....
Sorry for gushing about's one of the top five things on my list of things I love to do....can't help it. I grew up fishing every single weekend with my brothers/sisters and my mom and dad......I even had my own paddleboat that I fished off of when no one else wanted to fish....I had it made....
Anyway....need to get to my Philosophy PowerPoint that's due in two days.......I HAVE to get it done so I can fish all weekend....
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