So it's been a pretty depressing week. A local family lost their home to a fire on March 7th. Thankfully they were out of town when it happened and are all safe. They're a very well known family in our little area. The guy is one of the firefighters. Sadly, they lost their four-year old dog...Today it was posted on a friend's facebook that the dad went looking for anything they might be able to salvage from this tragedy. He found 3 photos--the most bizarre and probably heart wrenching is a picture of their dog. One of the kids brought it to school today to show to friends...I cannot tell you how very sad those few moments were; watching the child who so obviously loved that dog. just broke my heart.
There have also been two deaths; one locally, the other a little ways a way but that has impacted us. The first is a younger woman who died in her sleep...not too much has been released about that nor the other. The second is a man who was cutting down a tree and the tree landed on him--45-years old. I don't know many details of these two deaths only that they and the family who lost everything have hit hard this past week and a half.
Cherish those things you have, hang on tight to those you love, and never assume that tomorrow will come....
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