Sunday, February 11, 2007

Freedom ain't free if your a SFSU Student

Oh wait, I mean if your a GOP SFSU STUDENT. My bad.
In November, the Associated Students board passed a unanimous resolution, which the (X)Press reported, denounced the California Republicans for "hateful religious intolerance" and criticized those who "pre-meditated the stomping of the flags knowing it would offend some people and possibly incite violence."

If they were stomping on the bible or baby Jesus there would be cheers huh?

"I'm confident that in the end of the day, the Constitution will vindicate us," SFSU junior Leigh Wolf of the College Republicans told me. Wolf is well aware of the double-standard on campus: Left-leaning students hide behind the First Amendment while trying to silence any conservative voices that dare to be heard.

Um, don't be so sure about that Leigh. After all, you are a Republican and the dems are trying their damnedest to stifle all freedom of speech if you're a **gasp** Republican.

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