Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Update and my lil ol opinion

The post I did just a few days ago about the girl who's MySpace title was "Kill Bush" has obviously been taking some serious heat for what she did as well as gaining noteriety.

This article will update things but I had to post on a couple of comments left there.

People are evil, people are vicious and I don't often understand why. This commentor left:

"I advocate killing HER
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 09:25.

I advocate killing that girl. Hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Really, I wonder how she would feel if I started a web site that advocated murdering her.

None of her friends could do it, or they would get kicked out of school. you just can't do that sort of thing. But she seems to think it's ok.

Telling that she won't go on Fox too.

Kill the bitch!"

Now, I most definately do NOT hop on board with this sort of thing, this is actually the sort of thing that IS a problem in this country! WHY!!! I see the first point, the 'how would she and her family feel...' but geez, ease up a little. Kids often times know not what they do nor the implications.

Yes, she definately needed to learn something from this and from the article, I think she may have. And that is how kids grow, LIVE AND LEARN, and learn from your mistakes! Of course there are some who never seem to learn from their mistakes and continue to make dumb choices, how to help them is a mystery. But ultimately, this girl stated:

"People have been asking me (if) I think my First Amendment rights are infringed upon. I don't think they are," she said Monday. "I think you can say what you want about people, but when it gets to the point of death threats, that's when it's serious. So yes, I made a mistake."

Is there hope that perhaps she understands respect now? That she understands that if she threatens another human beings life that there might just be repercussions? God, I hope so. As for her parents? Well, they will probably file lawsuits or something, or at least the father.

Another great point was brought to light by a different commentor that really hit home. It was referring this statement made by the father:

"Her husband said the public reaction reflects the country's "venomous" political climate."

To that, the commentor left this very damning comment:

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 06:34.

The father complains about the "venomous" political climate. Excuse me, isn't his daughter adding to that with her "kill Bush" comment? But of course, the people criticizing his poor little girl are the bad ones. Libs are so often the ones advocating violence againsh those who disagree with them while admonishing the rest of us to be tolerant.

Having been in that box with the liberals such as the father who seem to think they play no part in the 'politcal climate' and love to blame the Christians or the Republicans, they seem to be oblivious to just how much of the problem they really are in the 'venomous' political debate.

They are mean, angry, and downright cruel to another who disagrees. And they use threats, I posted just a snippet of that a couple months ago about Michelle Malkin, a well known political speaker for the conservative side. I honestly just don't know how that woman continues on somedays. People hate her!

Funny though, there are ALSO those on the right, such as that first comment that I posted, who are just as angry and extreme. I'm happy to say that I am not one of them but all the same, just as it takes two to fight it also takes more than two to create a 'venomous political climate'. Maybe if EVERYONE would learn that they are not blameless in all walks of life, things might get a little bit easier but will that ever be the case??? Nah, but it was a fun thought.

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