Monday, September 25, 2006


Well, am I having any regrets today. Well, with the kids all being extremely well behaved, cuddly, and all around fun.....ummmm, not yet.

Why? Well, during lunch, one of my two year olds, who had a BAD tummy ache earlier in the day, sat at the lunch table and threw up while I put a forkful of food in my mouth. The rest of the kids sat in awe and stared with this look on their faces.

So I had to clean him up, and discovered that he had lost his lunch, all two bites of it, in the cracks and crevices of my dining room chair and onto the fabric. Gross, as I gagged and made the decision that it was time to replace the fabric anyway.

So, after that, nope, no regrets. Tomorrow I'm taking 3 of them on a little field trip to the local animal park and out to lunch for one last hurrah. It outta be fun.....


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