Wednesday, May 17, 2006

'great family' I have........

I often question what exactly it is I'm doing when I tell my children that their family in this house is the most important entity in their lives. That no matter what, they will always have eachother to lean on in a time of need. With the experience that Pat and myself have had with 'family' teaching our kids to love them gets harder and harder to do.

You would think that coming from a family of 8 that there would be ONE person that I could trust. Well, there actually is but we live too far away from eachother. So we email and visit once in a great while. In fact, I just sent that person an email about the latest rumor going around my so called family. And I just know that they're going to love it!

And again, its a pretty ugly rumor. One that my family had to call me on and make sure that it wasn't true. I would love to spill what this latest one is because it is the best one yet. However, because of the troll guy out there I won't.

But even though it is the best one yet, it still hurts. My own sister that tells me she loves me in the same sentence in fact asked, "Is it true?" For as much as one wants to pull away from someone or a whole group of people, there are times when that is a lot harder to do. Such as when they are your own brothers and sisters.

Sure, they are just rumors but people have got to know that coming from people who you grew up with and are related to that it stings deep to the core. How bout this one, my family believes I broke my daughter's leg when she was a baby. How is that for a rumor. And there are a shitload more to go with that.

Why do people who claim to love you have to be such ugly and cruel beasts? Why is it that I cannot just have my life with my husband and my children, not bother anyone in this family but yet still end up being the one they have to make up such horrible things about. I attribute this to that evil person who I have referred to as my sister. It is directly related to her so I can think of no other....

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