Good grief, this has not been a great stretch for my health these last few months. But oh well....too much to do to really worry about it and must keep on moving on right?
I've been keeping a secret....our oldest daughter and her fiance have decided to get married--perhaps this is deja vu or perhaps not; they were going to do this last October but things just weren't right for them at the time. And this was a good thing because they are much stronger for it now! And I think and hope they are ready. They've grown up a lot since then and have taken reality a bit more seriously....this is good!
So, well, ummm...the wedding will be next Friday! AND NO FOR ALL YOU OUT THERE WITH THAT QUESTION--she is NOT, I repeat, NOT pregnant and this is not some race to the altar to cover up a surprise is actually their anniversary day that they started dating. They wanted to be able to remember both of them and to celebrate them both and decided a little over four weeks ago that this how they were going to do things.
While P and I would have preferred a year, or even six months to prepare so we could make this whole thing absolutely spectacular for our girl, it's not our decision to make so we are doing the best we can and managing to make things pretty special I think...I hope! I've been consumed with it all week this week; on the internet and the phone finding this and ordering that, dress shopping one day this week and again this weekend......I guess with the let down of the last wedding plans I was a bit hesitant to get so involved but they have a marriage license...I'm thinking this is pretty serious!!! LOL
This weekend is consumed with millions of things and next weekend is much of the same...I seriously cannot wait to have a weekend to just be after this! The wedding is going to be an outdoor affair with a judge performing the ceremony. There's going to be a traditional aspect to is with our girls participating, a little aisle for them to walk down and a celebration after. All told only about 75-80 people are invited. They are hoping to do the real deal within the next couple years but would like to make it official for their own reasons...we don't ask, we just say ok and make arrangements.
We're pretty proud of these two. They have a lot of growing to do but as we all know, that comes with age and experience. They are both working, they just moved into a house, they are providing a happy home for their little man, they are doting parents looking forward to adding to their family, and mostly, they are really good to each other despite all the ruts in the road...I think that many of us can relate to those ruts that come with a relationship.....they've proven that they have the will to make things work as they've been through quite a bit in their five years together.
So now, we plan, we stress, we hope and pray that things will go smoothly. We wish we could make it an easy road for them knowing full well that in order to feel accomplished that it is themselves that have to pave that road.....we love them for who they are and who they are becoming and right now..they are growing in love, life, and experience.
Love to our oldest child and her husband to be!
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