So much to be thankful many things in this life that make me smile or make me giggle. I could list a million things here that I am thankful for but don't have time to do that, have a feast to attend so I must make this short and sweet.
My husband...what a great guy, a man who would actually jump off the bridge if I asked him to...there for me when I need him, working his butt off to provide for his family, always trying to get me to smile or laugh or to look at the brighter side...wrapping his arms around me just because or buying me a single rose when I'm not looking...he is so many things to me...
My kids...they can give me ulcers but the bottom line is is that they love me unconditionally, they are ALWAYS up to something...they do however know when we're down, they share their lives with us and go to great lengths to make us laugh. My oldest threw flour in my face last night because I was being ornery..she managed to make me laugh...My kids would defend me to the end of time, stand up for me, our home, our life...they love deeply and hurt when we hurt, they do their chores and work hard to earn their own money...while many think I think my kids are perfect, I don't, I just would rather look at the good things they have given to us, to each other and in the end, they are really really good kids We have been blessed with very precious gifts. We all have faults but it's how we look at them that determines just how perfect or imperfect those faults really are.
I'm thankful for my mom, for the memories of my father and those of our trips. I'm thankful to have been part of their lives in a time when things were pretty confusing. I'm thankful to hear my father's jolly laugh ring in my ears when something occurs that I know he would get a kick out of it. I'm thankful that no matter how many disagreements my mom and I have had that we still manage to love each other deeply and to put it all aside and just have what we have.
I'm thankful for my friends who have been in my life since we were all just young teenage girls struggling through triangles of friendship, boyfriend problems, sneaking out, getting into trouble...and for all the lessons we learned as kids. I have referred back to my days with my friends and Pat for many reasons throughout life to help me raise my kids better...I am thankful to have shared an important part of my life with them and to be doing much of the same at this later time in our lives. I am thankful for our new friends who have only just entered our lives a few years ago...who have already been there for us, helped us through things and done so many unselfish things for us...I am thankful for the ability to have room in my life for more special people like them...
I'm thankful for our home, for our jobs, for the cars that get us to and from work...Seriously, this post could go on for the rest of my life. I try to tell myself each day to bring forth something that is a routine in a day and to be thankful for it. To not take the things and people in my life for granted because in the end, I am blessed every single day to have so much...
I am very very thankful for this blog and the friends I have made here over the years and for what this blog stands for for has opened up a place in me that I buried deep...
All you out there in the Cyber World.....HAVE A SPECTACULAR THANKSGIVING..and to my friends....thinking about you today.....
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