Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This is really sad

13-year-old racks up 128 charges during alleged crime spree

What exactly does the stepfather mean when he says:
His stepfather said Riley had a rough childhood.

"He's our oldest, you know. He's our first born and he's been through a lot," said Blake.

Many ugly images come to mind with a response like that but I must refrain.

As far as this little boy? Negligence, abuse, psychological, emotion, physical...would these possibly be contributing factors?

As usual my first response to this is to assume that parenting is somehow to blame. The kid is reaching out for some sort of attention in my opinion. And with a response like this following charges--over 100 against a 13-year old boy...

There was no mention of an investigation into the parents of this boy but I do hope that it's an option. I don't believe that people are naturally born to commit crimes, that the victim card does actually play a role. Adults don't get a free pass with me. Take responsibility for your screw ups. Those who commit crimes when they are adults have been around long enough to know better, they just choose not to!

I allow that victim card for children simply because they are born to people who are supposed to parent them, to teach them right from wrong. Sometimes life isn't as flowery as I see it in my mind I guess.

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