Monday, February 12, 2007

No, Don't buy me flowers...paaaleeaze!

Valentine bouquets 'are bad for the planet'

It's just Valentines Flowers, come on ladies, we can make it without the obligatory bouquet now can't we? In the end, it's because the men love us that we are contributing to the demise of our planet so in essence, its ALL the men's hearts faults right? Or is it our fault because we MADE them love us with our sweet ways? Oh, well, either way...we must seek other means when hinting for gifts from our spouses...oh, and women, you can't buy flowers either.

Thee most ridiculous item of my day is this article that my hubby told me about while I was driving home from work tonight. Needless to say I sped up a little bit more than my usual pace because I just HAD to read this article and post on it!!!! After all, it is really an eye opener to how HORRIBLE flowers are to this planet.

In fact, why don't these overboard global warming activists take it a step further and as hubby said, 'Ban all international flights' and kill two birds with one stone.

Ahhh, now I feel complete!

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