Thursday, February 15, 2007

Honey, lets try something new for Valentine's Day

Zoos Offering Animal Sex Tours

(you'll have to forgive me, I'm a little behind on the news these days)

It's bad enough these animals are caged up and the spectacle of us humans. I do like zoos but never can get over that part of me that pities these animals who are not living in their natural habitat. It pains me that I get some sort of enjoyment out of seeing a tiger or a bear so close up. It makes me angry with myself actually because I love animals so much.

But to actually go to the zoo to watch them mate? I'm sorry but for some reason I find that to be a little twisted and invasive. Yeah, they're just animals but it's a form of animal porn. We should protect the animals right? Sex is a natural way of life, yes. But sit with a candle light dinner and be at the zoo specifically for this? Why? I must ask WHY???

The thought is one of those things that makes me shudder and go ewwwwww....

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