Wednesday, January 24, 2007

These poor illegals

Aliens ask wrong people in van about work

Do I pity them? Nah. Of course there's those out there who feel a horrible act was inflicted upon them:
The nonprofit immigrant-advocacy group CASA of Maryland called the arrests an "illegal raid" that was beyond ICE's authority.

"Asking a bunch of people about their immigration status is well beyond the confines of a specific warrant," CASA spokeswoman Kim Propeack said.
The group organized a press conference yesterday afternoon in front of the 7-Eleven at South Broadway and East Lombard streets, where the arrests occurred.

CASA officials invited other immigrant advocates and faith leaders to protest the arrests, which they say unfairly targeted Hispanics, and call for reforms to the country's immigration system. "We're making it more difficult for people to be good," said the Rev. Robert Wojtek, pastor of neighboring St. Michael and St. Patrick Roman Catholic parishes.

"What sin against God have these people done?"
Now we have to look at their sins against God???? And here I thought the term illegal was based on the laws of this country? Such as this:
Six of the men have criminal records in the United States, eight of the men have failed to comply with final removal orders from an immigration judge and one man had been caught at the border on four occasions, ICE officials said.
I just love how americano's protect the illegals and play the sympathy card. What happens when it's their child that's raped, or their family that gets violated in some way by an illegal immigrant. Will they still want to protect them then?

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