Monday, January 22, 2007

Rated XXX Coffee

Is this what women intended when they started burning bras? It's the new form of an alcohol-free strip club minus the nudity!

Some coffee stands get steamier

It's just got to be that prude in me but I find this way of exploiting girls/women to be thee most tasteless, tacky, insensitive business tactic! Oh, I'm sure that it brings in lots of business and lots of money. But I certainly wouldn't be proud to say that my daughter worked there!

It's bad enough that women work at strip clubs and call themselves dancers but to use your sexuality to flaunt, flirt and sell COFFEE ... where is the self respect in women these days? What is it that has gone missing in women where they feel that the only way they can be appreciated is through their looks and by exposing their bodies in sexual outfits?

And the manager of course is loving this because all his hotties are wearing very provocative clothing and playing the part of the tease to boot. I'm sorry but this is just horrible!

Would I want to know that my husband frequents a place such as this? Or even my son? What if we were to be on a trip out of town and wanted to bring the kids to the coffee house for some coffee and we walked into this?

You know, it's bad enough simply walking down the aisle at the store to see ass-cracks. But providing a place that doesn't have a cover charge for men to ogle to their hearts thank you. It's exactly things like this that encourage rape, adultery, one-night stands, and single moms and ultimately, manymanymany mentally unstable women who have lost respect for themselves and who end up on medication due to depression.

If women want to be prostitutes, that's their issue, if women want to be 'dancers' that's their problem but if a business is only going to hire 'beautiful' girls/women to sell their product that's when it becomes a problem for me. This is border line sexual harrassment and discrimination in my book!

I have 3 daughters and to see this sort of thing in news is quite disturbing. And lets not forget about the boys and what they learn from this sort of exposure. Oh wait, it's ok, that's just boys right? It's ok for them to see this, it's a natural thing for them to look.

Women are meat, women are objects, women are toys. Hello out there, is anyone concerned about this s** anymore??????

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