Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is this guy even human???????!!!!!

H/T --Little Green Footballs

The Troops Also Need to Support the American People

William M. Arkin on National and Homeland Security

This really gets my dander up! Who does this guy think he is!!!????
I've been mulling over an NBC Nightly News report from Iraq last Friday in which a number of soldiers expressed frustration with opposition to war in the United States.

I'm sure the soldiers were expressing a majority opinion common amongst the ranks - that's why it is news - and I'm also sure no one in the military leadership or the administration put the soldiers up to expressing their views, nor steered NBC reporter Richard Engel to the story.

I'm all for everyone expressing their opinion, even those who wear the uniform of the United States Army. But I also hope that military commanders took the soldiers aside after the story and explained to them why it wasn't for them to disapprove of the American people.
So this jerk is saying our troops should just suck it up...all the nasty insults and demeaning slurs that fly around about them?? That they have no rights or cannot voice their frustration over a-holes like this guy and his anti-military rhetoric?

I cannot even read this filth it is so utterly disrespectful, aggravating, and it truly makes me want to blow a gasket.

People like this so called journalist or columnist or whatever the hell he is who claim they support our military...I can't even write this I am so pissed! This column or whatever the hell it is gets even worse.

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