Thursday, November 16, 2006

**Roll of the eyes with a little shake of the head**

Here's a post for all those who love to blame their own personal choices on others.

You can blame dad for your height and mum for your fat

Apparently, with this article comes the idea that Londoner's can blame their parents for something. **whew** What a relief.

Well, ok, perhaps there might be some truth to this, genetics and all. I'm sure genes do have some impact but ULTIMATELY, it is MY responsibility how I choose to eat and look in my life here on earth.

Height I can definately see but overweight? Unless my mom is still spoon feeding me then I cannot really see how it would be HER fault if I overeat 1/2 the time. Or if I choose to go consume a 12 pack of Mountain Dew in one day with all that caffeine and SUGAR. Or I make deep fried chicken with deep fried onion rings 3 nights a week. I'm more aware of what I eat than my mom.

Some of the studies that scientists do, just amazing really. And I am aware that there are folks out there with genes from hell, ones that they can't control with dieting or exercise. And for them I sympathize with. All of us have different sized frames, different shapes, I get all that. But isn't it what you do with that that makes all the difference? I guess I just blame myself for my actions and have very high expectations for who I am, I don't know.

But it's ultimately my choice if I want to eat 2 pieces of pie for breakfast with 5 slices of bacon, a heap of pancakes slathered in syrup, a couple slices of cake for lunch with mashed potatoes and gravy as well as 6 peices of dark chicken, and stuffing, and 6 pieces of cheesecake for dinner, (forget the healthy, my favorite is cheesecake all around). Ugh, my stomach is nauseous just writing this)

No one is forcing me. Oh, the dispair. I forgot to add these...whipping cream on the pie, mounds of chocolate frosting and a scoop of ice cream and tons of cheeries on the cheesecake. Yum. And in the end, I would go to bed feeling bloated, fat, and miserable all around but funny, satisfied at the same time. And I know too that I would regret those choices tomorrow when I can't button my jeans. It never occurred to me to blame my own mom and/or dad for that. The things that people come up with.

I'm of the mind that if people continue to find ways to blame everyone else for their choices or their inability to walk away from that scrumptous chocolate cake, that people will never learn to take PERSONAL responsibility for themselves, their actions or their choices. It will always lie in everyone else's is it that that should make any sense?

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