Thursday, September 07, 2006

People can be so ugly!

Unfortunately for some who read this, they will disagree with me vehemently. However, I am so pissed off about it that I just needed to vent.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and their little baby Suri.

Ok, so the age difference between these two is drastic, so they rushed into 'love', they had a child together before they married, so he jumped up on a couch and acted like a crazy man, so what if many don't like his acting, so what if there are those who abhor his religion and feel that he forced Katie to be silent during the birth of their baby.....although I did read that she did have an epidural which is against the religion....hmmm.

Why do people have to be so damn judgemental and mean when they don't like another? Why do they have to spout off at the mouth and say such horrible things? I know, I am guilty too. But I must ask why people just cannot allow others to live how they want, need, and desire to live without the hammer coming down. And to make such shitty comments about an innocent baby who didn't ask to be here.

Honestly, I think Suri is adorable. And I also think that Tom and Katie look happy with what they created. I don't know that they'll last but I can say that by looking at the photos and for as involved as Cruise is in the lives of his other two kids, that that baby will live a pretty decent life. Not one I would want for my kids but I'm not famous.

Also? Why is it that Tom was raked through the coals for being with Katie? There's Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Bruce Willis and his entourage of young fillies, Jack Nickleson and Lara Flynn Boyle, Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake. I could list a slew of others actors and actress' who have 'robbed the cradle' but you get the idea. None of those others were called crazy or cradle robbers, in fact, their love is portrayed as beautiful and fairy tale like.

Yes, I have always been a Tom Cruise fan, sorry but it's true. And yes, I do read a lot of rag mags in my spare time. But ultimately, I look at all of these Hollywood actors/actress' and realize that yes, they chose to live this life but that doesn't make them less human than you or I. That doesn't make them incapable of loving another if only for a brief time or incapable of loving a child that they probably don't care for as much as I do or you do. But That is their life, let them live it.

Where did this post come from?
I will post some comments from the comment section of this other blog that I saw yesterday just for some examples:

"looks like something out of Minority Report.......

it's not real like Tom and Katie or whatever her name is .......

Posted by: The Dude Abides........ | September 05, 2006 at 05:53 PM"

"Clearly he is desperate for money.... What kind of person sells their baby's photos???

Posted by: YoYo | September 05, 2006 at 05:54 PM"

"What, no horns? Pitty.

Posted by: Jeremiah | September 05, 2006 at 05:59 PM

"Why did they have an Asian baby?

Posted by: Albus Dumbledore | September 05, 2006 at 06:16 PM"

"How did they hide the kid's antenna's?

Posted by: Boss Hazzard | September 05, 2006 at 06:19 PM"

"Looks like an ugly mexican alien. Should we have the crap bronzed and framed?

Posted by: JJ Harris | September 05, 2006 at 06:19 PM"

"Can we be honest adults here? That baby is not attractive. You psychophants are pretty sad. We waited all this time, and ppphhhhh...what a waste of space this story is. I feel the need to somehow express how sad I am that I wasted my time here.

Posted by: andrea | September 05, 2006 at 06:41 PM"

"WHy is the baby wearing a toupee??

Posted by: Truth Detector | September 05, 2006 at 07:07 PM"

"Do you sycophants who are adressing these

two freaks by name honestly believe they will read that pablum? Or would care what you think if forced to? "Katie you are great" ,"Tom you are a great actor", seriously are you hoping to get attention from these wackjobs by using their names, they don't care about you, they are puppets, freaky asexual puppets with a store bought baby.

Posted by: Brent | September 05, 2006 at 07:13 PM

"Tom and katie married? Don't think so. She's a whore and he's worse how many whores does this make for him? Babies cute tho.

Posted by: zarkonone | September 05, 2006 at 07:26 PM"

"Where's a stingray when you need it?

Posted by: Ramone | September 05, 2006 at 07:28 PM"

"That baby is uglier than a mud fence....It's a sad day when this passes for real news.

Posted by: darryl | September 05, 2006 at 08:36 PM"

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