Hmmm, I have been thinking about this post for a couple of days. Sorry but once again it will be about the issues that have been going on with the family. Read to your hearts content I say.
For about the last 3 days, I was getting some weird vibes from my mom. She had called me a couple of times, in fact I have spoken to her more in the last week than I have in the last month. Yes, we do talk on the phone but the conversations this time were different. My mom was being extra nice and her wishes of love and kisses were much different, almost like she needed me to know that she does in fact love me.
So yesterday, I gave her a call with the intention of talking about the crap that's been going on in the family. Let's just say that Her and I have ironed out a few things but a couple of things were also revealed to me by my mom.
As I suspected, my sister or sisters, no matter, they are all one in the same to me now, ran to my mom with things I have written about in this blog. However, do they know that if my mom had a computer I would've invited her long ago to read about my inner most secrets and thoughts? Do they know that if asked by my mom that I would in fact send her copies of all that I have written? That I am not afraid to be honest about my feelings of my childhood? Or that I would be more than happy to share how I feel about my mom and dad or my brothers and sisters with my own parents? That in fact the truth does hurt at times? In fact, this is a good way in which to heal some wounds with others, mostly with my parents actually. And do they know that my mom and I used to communicate through letters when I was younger????? Probably not. There is a lot of things that my family assumes to know but they don't!
My mom and I have many things in common it seems but they would never friggin know because they're always too damn busy crying to her about their own problems...."my divorce, my back, I have no money, mememememememe" waaaaaaaah!!!!! Oh and finding ways in which to paint Pat and myself as really nasty people.
Apparently these so called siblings don't know because once again, they have began yet another slanderous rumor and said a very horrible thing to my mom. The most ironic thing about what they did this time though is what they told my mom has been hurting HER very deeply. That by telling her what they did, they in fact caused her pain that should NEVER HAVE BEEN CAUSED.....SHAME ON YOU FOR HURTING YOUR MOTHER THIS WAY YOU EVIL BEEEYATCHES WITH YET MORE LIES YOU CREATE IN ORDER TO MAKE YOURSELVES OUT TO LOOK BETTER. However, one day the lies will come back to bite you in the ass. Watch out who you hurt.
This in fact comes right from the mouth of my own mom while I had a conversation with her yesterday on the phone:
I asked my mom what she's been hearing about all this family stuff going on. I don't really like to talk to my mom about this because she has done her job, she has raised us all, but it seems that the 'children' in this family just cannot grasp the fact that what goes on between the siblings should stay there!!! Instead, my mother has been brought into the middle of this and has endured much pain, heard many lies, and doesn't know what to believe anymore. But she is hurting very deeply! I know that I am part of that, that I have talked to her here and there about things. For that, I am no better than they are but when I feel attacked by my own mom because of things my supposed sisters have been telling her I find it necessary to defend not only myself but my family. I shouldn't have to feel that way with my own mom.
Anyway, my mom told me that someone had told her that I think that she deserved all the hell that she went through with my father.That I wrote that in this journal somewhere. If in fact I felt that ANY individual deserved to be beaten, withheld from a life, and controlled I would think of me as one of the most evil things to walk this earth. The closest thing I can find to that is where I said that she deserves my fathers' wrath for is telling him that I never call because that is not the truth. And by saying that I simply meant that she deserved to be reprimanded from my dad, which is about all he is capable of doing now. When people lie or simply don't reveal things, that makes me very angry and it hurts because I am then yelled at by my dad for never calling.
I have scoured this blog for days trying to find anything damaging that justifies the 'evil sisters' accusations but I cannot find anything. In fact, I have very few entries about my family bull in here because it is just that, bull.
I wrote an entry last year around Mothers Day talking about the perfect card and not being able to find it. And simply just wanting my mom to accept me for who I have become, to believe me. This was interpereted by 'them' as, my mom doesn't love me. I don't think that my mom likes me very much but do know that in her own way she loves me. And as much was talked about and hashed out yesterday on the phone.
So the smearing continues but I am hoping that my mom is catching on now, that she is seeing it for what it has been for years now.
It was comforting to hear my mom tell me that she didn't believe that I would ever say anything like that. That she has in fact stopped yet another sibling from talking smack about me and my family and told them that if I walked up her driveway right then and there that she would give me the biggest hug I had ever had.
Being accused of sleeping with 'evil sister's' ex, being told that 'certain family members' believe that I broke my daughters leg, now hearing that I think my mom deserved all the hell she went through with my father, telling my daughters that their father is a bad person and abuses me, telling everyone that my husband smashed a dent in the hood of her car only to find out from another that it was in fact a friend of her son's that did so, accusing my husband of stealing from her when in fact, as I stood by, he was told to just keep what was given to him because they had no use for it, and although this happened YEARS AGO, the day my 'so called family' took me out to Perkins during the most traumatic experience of mine and Pat's life and backed me into a damn corner more than once and said, "We know that Pat abuses you, we know that he broke .......'s leg, and we know that you're just covering for him because you're scared". There will never be forgiveness for the evil and slanderous things that have been inflicted upon my family. NEVER!!! I will never want to attend a function with these monsters for as long as I have left to live. You have crossed the line telling your own mom a lie that not only affects my relationship with her but also one in which probably hurt her more than all the lies you have made up about us.
I told my mom yesterday that I just want them to leave me and my family the hell alone and I want them to stop calling here and emailing me! I told her that I want them to just leave her alone and to grow up and deal with all of this on their own.
They are blocked on my email and as far as I'm concerned they are no longer family to me, they are monsters who only care about themselves and their own selfish agenda and only love to smear the names of those who they cannot control. And in the end, they have caused more pain to my mom and dad than they can imagine.
My mom also said that I called 'evil sister' a witch. I said, "you damn right I did, because that's what she is mom" That isn't nice is what my mom said but I said that I didn't give her that name, that older siblings had given her that name long before I could talk.
I personally have grown tired of all their pettiness and unwillingness to suck it up and conquer their own damn problems! Leave my poor mom and dad to what they have left with their lives and make it happy for them, quit making them worry about you and your childish bull!!!! GROW UP YOU DAMN CHILDREN!!! I am younger than you and understand that my parents only have so much time left in this life, I know not to make them die in grief. You want to say that we should all just get along? Well, for me I say, GROW UP and quit wallowing in your own puddles of shit that you created yourselves and trying to bring those of us down who actually made the CONSCIOUS decisions in life to change and to make better lives. QUIT MAKING IT MOM AND DAD'S PROBLEM!
Sorry to my regular readers, this is obviously an ongoing problem with no end in sight as of yet. I also received a call from my oldest brother who doesn't have a clue what's been going on but tells me that I need to suck it up and grow up and let the rumors go but doesn't seem to realize the affect all of this has had on my relationship with my mom. He also pointed out that I am excluding those in this family that want to see myself, Pat and our kids and am hurting them but refused to believe that it was in fact the rumors and actions of others that has caused this. In the end I have been accused of being the instigator in all of this but yet I have not spoken with anyone other than my mom and one other close family member. Funny how I can start all this trouble but simply trying to live my life with my husband and my kids.
Life is such great joy when the politics of family throw a wrench into it! And to those in this 'family' who chose to create all your slanderous lies if you have anything to say about this post don't be cowards and run to mom, take it up with me!!!!!!!!!
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