Friday, March 10, 2006

A weekend away

Sun is shining and the weather is beautiful. It's a great day today, and yesterday was much of the same. Ahhhh, I can feel my person coming back to life. Winter blues get worse every year it seems.
Now that we have our new stuff in our house, I managed to save a beta fish, and Pat and I have managed to come to a solution with a family issue, things are good again.

Patrick and I are heading out of town today for a much needed mini vacation to one of our favorite places, The North Shore. The kids are going to visit their grandparents. We are both so overly excited about it that we are watching the clock tick away making the day seem endless. Things have been really chaotic around here leaving us very little time to focus on our marriage. Funny how that happens.

With all the stress of raising kids, settling into jobs, dealing with appliance malfunctions, paying bills, taking care of sick fish, yelling at the dogs, keeping the cats from scratching our new furniture, running errands, dr. appointments, all these things leave very little time for a marriage. 5 years I think it's been since Pat and I took a break, just the two of us, from reality. Time sure does escape one when there's so much other stuff going on. Frustrating because our marriage is the back bone of this household. When we aren't in sinc, our kids sense it. Our kids act out, even as teenagers. Everything kind of just crumbles into one big heap if the motor breaks down.

I hope to come back refreshed and feeling rested and all in one peice. My kids could sure use the break too. They tend to go crazy just like we do if they have to be with us and our adult routine all the time. And they adore their grandma and grandpa.

So, on that note, if I ever get them developed, I can post some pictures of our little get away. It's going to be cold but still beautiful as all get out! Cannot wait.

Have a great weekend......

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