Friday, June 27, 2008

OMG!!!!!!! I'm in awe

So yeah, it's been a long time since I've even been able to visit my poor, neglected blog! And I am pretty upset by that. I want to just rant or something but just have absolutely no time whatsoever!

Some updates though...

Our daughters soccer team? The one that Pat coaches? Well guess what....they are going to state...straight to state. I blew off my homework for a couple hours tonight because the game was an important one...the one that would decide if in fact they would go straight to state or have to go through districts first....well obviously, they won the game tonight.

Pat was more of a stress ball than any of the girls and the girls played a fantastic game. Last weekend they had a tournament in Hudson, Wisconsin. They played four games total...won three of them but lost the championship for their level. They got second but hey, what mattered the most is that they made it to the final game! It was a rough weekend for all of us and we're still catching up on sleep.

Our boy, well, his season started out a little shaky. Not due to him but to the man who's coaching. Pat and I have contemplated yanking him off the team due to a coach that has no organization and who is very hard on the boys. One day they had a practice and it was HOT out. The first really hot day around here actually. The boys were screwing around and not paying attention so they had to run....and when I say run, I mean they had to sprint. Not only half the length of a small soccer field but the length of a full size soccer field and they had to run it twice and then some. I wasn't so upset about that lesson until, when the boys were finished and begged for water...well, the coach wouldn't let them have any. They endured 45 minutes of a hard practice without any liquids. I was not pleased about this and our son has yet to attend a practice since that least one that that particular coach is in charge of.

Another problem is he is holding our boy back from his natural playing abilities...getting down on him for doing what he's taught in practice but the coach yells at him from the sidelines to do something different. Or traveling 50+ miles one way for a game only to discover that the other team isn't there....our coach conveniently forgot that the game was rescheduled. And his response to all the parents and family of these 12 boys????? we were all leaving the field, he flippantly said, "Sorry parents." Needless to say, we have since told our son to stop doing exactly what the coach tells him and to play like he knows how to, we have called to make sure there are actually games before we leave our house for the trip to the cities, and we have not taken him to the endless practices that this man schedules for the boys who are only 11 but who he thinks are his military trainees! Problems solved. And our son, in the last few games has played like he knows, has scored, passes that ball, and is back to his old self out there on the field.

Ummmm.....oh, the title of my post...why am I in awe???? We just got high speed internet!!!!!!!!!! Pat is so used to it from using it at work everyday but I am in my glee and overjoyed. I never knew that I could open up and do a post in only seconds. Call me a child, call me sheltered but no matter what, I am so happy about this new found experience. It is something beyond anything I've ever imagined as far as the internet goes.

Anyway, since I finished my homework early, thought I would update, say hey and go browse the internet....yippee.

Have a good night all.....

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