Friday, December 08, 2006

Up and running and other tidbits for today.

I've figured out how to do things in the new beta blog! I am so excited. It only took me most of last night and all of today, to this point. And I am amazed at how slick it is. Because I write about so much junk, I was really looking forward to getting the 'labels' on the sidebar! And Voila! Let it be so! And I can mess with my fonts, colors, CONTROL WHO VISITS MY BLOG...hehehehe, arrange my sidebar with just a click and a whole bunch of other features. Whew, I am one happy woman today.

Yeah, I still have some tweaking to do here and there but the biggest feat was getting my haloscan commenting ability back. With an hours worth of searching and another 2 or 3 of copying, pasting, deleting, and cussing, I finally got things working!!!! And I managed to do that without losing all my other comments!

I have added a couple of things to my side bar--One is Wednesday Hero and the other is MOB.

'Wednesday Hero' is a group of bloggers who post a tribute to a fallen soldier every Wednesday. I don't have the link off hand of who runs this but should have one next Wednesday when I put up my first tribute. Long overdue. I took part in the 9/11 tribute and really felt good about learning about some of the victims.

The other addition, MOB is the Minnesota Organization of Bloggers. Proud to be a member. They host parties occasionally, have a radio show called the Northern Alliance, and a variety of bloggers posting all sorts of different things.

Now though, it's time for me to go scour the internet, in the mood for some complaining!

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