Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tell me that I'm just being paranoid

(First and foremost, I need to explain something about me. I am a chronic worry-wart. I tend to overthink everything, always think the worst, and worry myself to the point of sickness in some instances. This could very well be just that.)

I cannot help but to feel a little uneasy about this, living in Minnesota. Many would tell me that I am profiling, or that I'm being paranoid, or call me a bigot. I can accept all of those and only hope that those would be correct in this instance.

Minnesota sends first Muslim to Congress -media

With the Dems regaining some power again, my fears of the past have begun to resurface. Why? Well, because all they want to do is pull out of Iraq but they never seem to have a way how to do that yet keep our country safe from more attacks. Instead, it always ends up being Bush's fault that we were attacked in the first place.

Some of the speeches I have heard tonight have talked about getting out of Iraq first and foremost. Kudos to them for advocating peace but in a smaller scenario, you kick someones ass halfway, that person is gonna come a-looking to finish you off. It's really just common sense.

I would love for this war to end, hands down, but I don't think pulling out abruptly is safe nor is it wise. And without a plan for pullout, or a plan for the future, I am just very uneasy tonight. I believe that we need to finish what we started over there, not only for our own safety but for the safety of the people in Iraq as well as other countries. What do I know though.

I admit, I'm a political lightweight. So, harrass me cuz I'm an easy target. But I do know that pulling out in the middle of trying to reconstruct a country is like committing suicide for America too. I'm not that dumb. I do hope that the Dems and the Reps can call a truce and work this war thing out. Ugh, just forget it.

Ok, back to what this post is actually about.

I have to admit, I didn't pay much attention to this Ellison guy who was elected into Congress here in the Great State of MN. After all, his ads weren't played to the point of it playing in my head over and over. But then again, I tuned out a lot of the ads because of the vindictive, nasty, antics being used. The ads were dispicable on both sides...PERIOD.

But upon opening up Drudge and seeing this article at Reuters so soon after the elections, I just about fell off my chair and then got up and kicked myself for not paying closer attention. No matter though, I didn't vote for this guy.

I don't care that he's a Democrat, even though I don't agree with his very liberal issues, what I care about is that he "converted to Islam" and that he "won with the help of Muslims among a coalition of liberal, anti-war voters." and, "He advocates an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq along with strongly liberal views."

Ok, I agree with the war, I believe in creating a democracy in Iraq and this post completely clashes with that. It's not about not wanting people to experience America and all it has to offer. This guy has definately proven that this is in fact the land of opportunity. But we are at war with a country whose religious beliefs are the same. People who believe that America is bad and evil. Not to mention they wanted the democrats to win and said as much.

What makes it all more worrisome is he, "did not often speak of his faith during the campaign, awareness of his candidacy drew interest from Muslims well beyond the district centered in Minneapolis. Was he hiding it because he didn't want to be labeled? That I can understand, look at how I'm freaking out.

Granted, it wasn't part of the 'political' issue forum to speak of his religious background but religion is sure brought up by the dems/libs when it involves a Republican Christian.

And really, I know I'm wrong for judging him based on his religion, after all, I defend the Christians and others, hell I normally don't care about religion. But the religion he practices is really twisted isn't it?

Then there's this: "Roughly 2 million Muslims are registered U.S. voters, and their ranks increased by tens of thousands in the weeks prior to Tuesday's mid-term elections, Muslim groups have said." I mean really, how does that make others feel?

Maybe I'm just over-reacting, I don't know. But this kind of gives me the heeby-jeebies.

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