Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What is the point of this study?

Ugly people make bad parents: study

Hmmm, I never really thought of it that way. I never really thought to look at how ugly or beautiful a man or woman was in regards to parenting. Maybe I should pay more attention.

What in the heck is the point of such a study???? What an insulting concept this is.

"The next time you see a child wandering lost and alone in the grocery store, sneak a peek at the parents.

New research from the University of Alberta suggests there’s a good chance they’re ugly.

“Unattractive parents are less likely than attractive parents to supervise their children closely,” said Andrew Harrell.

He’s the same social scientist who took a fair bit of heat last year when he presented evidence suggesting parents pay more attention to attractive children.

Now he’s onto new findings bound to stir up further familial feelings.

“The unattractive parents may be ugly because they have had economic difficulties, health problems, diabetes, poor eyesight, psychological and physical hardships that distract them,” Harrell offered as an explanation.

“They have their own personal concerns and they have less time to be attentive to their children,” he added. “They are in such physical and psychological misery they are not there.”

And this guy did another study coming to the conclusion that parents pay more attention to attractive children? All the parents I know find their kids to be the most beautiful creatures on earth no matter what another might think. And it's pretty rare that I find children that are ugly. They are all adorable to me.

I wonder if this guy had a bad childhood that focused around his looks? I feel sorry for him to be so shallow as to base his lifes work on the ugliness of a person physically. Looks don't make a person, what's inside makes a person. That's what I believe anyway.

Sure, in some instances, looks play a role in the direction your life may go. Take some stud movie star or some gorgeous actress and they'll tell you that looks matter. If I see Jim Cavezial is in a movie, well I'll have to see it just so I can see him. Put Jennifer Aniston on the screen and Pat is glued. Beauty does have it's perks but lets take a look at ugly or more nicely put, the not so attractive.

Look at Jack Black, he isn't really homely but not someone I find too attractive. But he is a funny guy and I will watch a movie with him in it because of that. John Candy and Chris Farley were a couple of my favorites as well. How about Glenn Close, she's an interesting looking woman, I wouldn't say she's gorgeous but I find her acting to be good and one of my favorite movies that I saw with her in it was every man's nightmare--Fatal Attraction.

I know it's off the subject of this insane study but like his study, my post makes no sense either. Probably because I find it to be one of the most riduculous things I have ever seen, beautiful people make better parents. Hey, Brittany Spears is a beautiful person, how come she's had DSS visit her again?

I know many 'beautiful' people who are really bad parents and really need parenting 101 classes. Geez are people shallow sometimes.

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