Friday, January 06, 2006

On a more general note......

Well, all week I have been battling a nasty cold that hit me like a truck on Monday night. I have been working all week but only one of my three families has been coming to daycare. I am still not feeling that great but trudge on.

My nine-month old little guy (daycare child) was hospitalized with pneumonia a couple of days ago but is home now and doing much better, thank God. Another of my kids has a very bad respitory infection and is on antibiotics, and then another was home one day this week with the croup. He is home again with a high fever and not so pleasant discharge coming from his nose. Today I have no daycare children to tend to. This is a good thing for me as I have not really had much of an opportunity to care for myself but plan on sleeping most of the day today and catching up on all the sleep that I have been unable to get throughout the week. You know, when you get sick with a nose-plugging cold how you wake up at night what seems like every half hour to blow or because of the littlest noise? Well, I do anyway and it has been a very sleep deprived week for me.

My daughter is home today as well with a bad cough that is most likely associated with her 'asthma', so the doctors call it, but hubby and I don't believe it's asthma but some other type of allergy. She is not chronic, just at certain times of the year. And, my son has been home all week with his burn healing wonderfully. Today, he is mad because it won't stop itching and that makes mom very happy. He looks wonderful, my daughter has her steroids for her cough and I finally get a day to rest. Wow, what a Friday!!!!

I have found my photos just a couple of weeks ago, that we took in France although I wish that I had more. I will be putting some of them up with my posts and explaining them as best as I can but my French grammer will leave little to be desired. Pat pointed out how 'cute' my spellings were of words in the French language...geez, I spell it like it sounds and add an 'e' or 'u' because it makes it look less American, thought I was doing an ok

Anyway, thank you for all your well wishes and for continuing to visit my blog. I love your comments and look very forward to them. I have not been to visit many this week with my illness and apologize for that. Hopefully when I'm feeling better, my posts will be less negative....hehe, well, maybe not but for the most part I am not always an ogre, just moody.

Have a wonderful Friday and will be by to visit you asap!!!!

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